Hello. This is the first and maybe the last message that I will write in English to those who have been my colleagues during the three months of training in Washington, DC in 2009.
I´ve kept in my heart something of each of them. And I am leaving with each of these things.First of all, I would like to start with my internship coordinator and master in social networking.Will, you have been who I have dealt with the most and my greatest support. I will never forger you because you have been a fantastic coordinator and I think of you as my friend.Your workload at UCP is impressive and you are the living model of worker who loves the job he does.
Mr. Bennet, the CEO of UCP after starting there as a volunteer, he is one who does not forget about the importantance of his point of view and he always has his mind and ears wide open.
I have found in you a great leader. You are very modest. The conversation that we had in your office left a great impression. I hope that we could remain in contact and please, never forget to put on those “shoes” that you are always talking about.
Melvin, the Web administrator and the computer man, I will miss you a lot, especially your sweet smile and positive energy. THANKS for everything.
Arlene, what can I say? You are simply special. Please keep your positive personality. It is a great treasure.Lara, you are incredible!!! I think that the work you do is the most integral part of my work in Convives. You are very kind and I am sure that you can achieve everything you want.
Chris, Armetta, and Lisa, thanks for allowing me participate in all those different activities. It will be very useful in my professional life. All of you are very accomplished and knowledgeable in your work and very nice people too.
Now, the youth of UCP, Patrick and Trevor. I wish you all the best for your future. I am sure that you will be successful because you are very hard workers. Please continue your efforts!!!
To the Disability Policy Collabortion, thank you Paul for the enormous opportunity to learn about Public Policy and American System. It’s very different compared with my country.
And of course, I would like to mention Annie Acosta who worked so hard on this project before I came to UCP. I will never forget you. Your efforts were not taken for granted and I truly appreciate everything you have done to help me achieve my goals.
And last, but not least,Michael Knoll who was not a fit with UCP and was let go recently, has many skills. I really hope that you find the work that you are looking for that completes your search for purpose in life.
Maybe you will join me in Spain next summer?
And for those members of UCP that I forgot or I didn´t mention: thank you for everything! You are amazing!
It has been a great and successful summer for me.